Speech by Darragh O’Brien TD, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage at the Fianna Fáil European Election Manifesto Launch, May 24th 2024

Published on: 24 May 2024

Thank you to everyone who has joined us here today.
As you can see for yourself we have a team of candidates who are a combination of fresh energy and hard won experience. And we have a manifesto which demonstrates our priorities and where we see Ireland’s place in Europe.
What all our candidates share in common is a desire and commitment to making this country a better place to live, work and raise a family.
Fianna Fail has always been at the forefront of our role in the EU and we have a very proud record there.
As you know the Fianna Fáil Party slogan in this election is ‘Europe Matters’. Short, simple, to the point. Because it’s true.
Europe matters to the peace and prosperity of this island and to the rich opportunities, our people and businesses enjoy. It’s not something to be taken for granted, it something to grow and to defend.
And importantly, it’s not a one-way relationship. We need to fight our corner in Brussels and we do.
We need MEPs who believe in the best values of Europe and will be champions for Ireland at the table. MEPs who will defend our tax sovereignty, open up new economic opportunities, work for energy independence and a just transition. MEPs who firmly oppose Russian aggression. MEPs who will join Micheal Martin in championing Ukraine’s accession into Europe. MEPs who stand four square behind the Palestinian people in their time of need. MEPs who call out hypocrisy and cynicism and will work for the swift recognition of the Palestinian state.
We can see from the campaigning so far that there are many candidates who have opposed Europe at every turn and in every referendum. Why send antagonists, begrudgers and Eurosceptics to represent us?
Our candidates are steeped in their communities and know what it takes to make a positive difference in people’s lives. They are unafraid to argue their case and have the courage to work for practical solutions.
Lisa Chambers has been a dynamic member of our party in the Dáil and Seanad, leading campaigns and representing our party with strength and determination at every point. Her energy would give the West a champion in Europe.
Niall Blaney comes from a tradition with deep roots in republicanism. He has been a tireless champion of cross border co-operation and the north west region, a voice needed now more than ever after Brexit.
Barry Cowen is a man with a dogged determination. I’ve worked alongside him for many years. He knows how to get things done. I know he will carry that to the heart of Europe.
Cynthia Ni Murchu brings a brilliant combination of energy and unique experience. She has hit the ground running and is a natural campaigner. She is a breath of fresh air that Brussels needs.
And not forgetting our sitting MEPs Billy Kelleher and Barry Andrews.
They have stood against a dark tide of populism that is only interested in exploiting problems not solving them. More importantly they have a positive vision for the next five years.
Together they have ensured that decency and fairness has always been heard in the European Parliament. With their experience and their energy, they have advocated for our small businesses and agricultural communities while fighting for the best values of our country.
Our candidates will shake things up in Brussels and represents our country with a positive vison that delivers for our people.
I’m delighted with the team we have here and the manifesto we have put together.
Go raibh mile maith agaibh.