Posts about Micheál Martin

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09 May 2024

Europe Day Dáil Statement An Tánaiste, Micheál Martin TD & Minister for Foreign Affairs & Defence

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18 April 2024

Statement from Tánaiste Micheál Martin TD

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13 April 2024

Tánaiste Micheál Martin TD address at Fianna Fáil Ard Fheis April 13 2024

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07 March 2024

Smith: Tánaiste's support for inquest into Sean Brown killing heartening

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13 February 2024

Fianna Fáil launches its campaign for the upcoming referendums on Family and Care

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13 February 2024

Voting yes and yes will be an important statement reinforcing positive developments in Irish society

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06 February 2024

Tánaiste pays tribute to Deputy Seán Haughey on a remarkable career

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06 February 2024

Tánaiste Micheál Martin expresses condolences on the death of John Bruton

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22 November 2023

Dáil debate on Consultative Forum on International Security Policy Report

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