Minister Foley announces establishment of new special school in Cork and provides update on expansion of existing special class and special school capacity in Cork and Dublin

Published on: 25 March 2022

Minister for Education Norma Foley TD has today, 23 March, announced a significant expansion of special school provision in Cork and Dublin.

This significant announcement will provide for the establishment of a new special school in Cork and increased capacity in existing special schools in Cork and Dublin to meet the needs of children and young people.

Minister Foley said: “Our education system is at its best when it has the welfare and wellbeing of our children at its heart, and when every child and young person feels welcomed, nurtured, and inspired within their school community. As Minister for Education I am committed to having an education system that works for everyone within it.

“The announcement of new provision today in Cork and Dublin is a significant step forward and I am pleased that we are making real progress in meeting the needs of our young people and collaborating in new ways to ensure every child has access to a welcoming and inclusive environment to learn and flourish.

“I want to thank all of the parents, schools, patron bodies and other stakeholders in Cork for their ongoing engagement with the Department and with the NCSE. I know that this has been a difficult period for many students and their families in Cork who have been unable to secure a suitable placement, and I am pleased that we continue to make progress in addressing this.

“In particular, I want to thank the patrons, boards of management and principals for their willingness to engage on expansion of their school designation. Discussions will continue with patrons to finalise the patronage arrangements for the new special school.

“I know that the additional capacity announced today will be a welcome relief to the families who do not have a school place for next September.”
