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Andrews welcomes progress on EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly; but notes disappointing lack of Northern Ireland representation

Written by Julie Ní Ghábhaín | 27 January 2022

Barry Andrews MEP (Fianna Fáil, Renew Europe) has welcomed the statement by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, announcing the list of names for the UK’s delegation to the EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly.

“This is a step in the right direction, meaning the two sides can start preparing their inaugural meeting - a meeting that is long overdue. Nevertheless, I am disappointed to see that there is only one Northern Irish politician among the 35 full members of the UK delegation, and only one among the 12 substitute members. Not only is Northern Ireland currently the most delicate issue in EU-UK relations, it is likely to remain a major issue given the application of EU law in Northern Ireland. Ensuring that all communities were fully represented in this delegation should have been a priority.”

MEP Andrews is a member of the European Parliament’s Delegation to the EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly.

“We are currently in a particularly sensitive period, as discussions between the EU-UK on the Protocol are ongoing, with the two sides aiming to conclude an agreement before elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly in May. I would like to call on our UK counterparts to ensure that Northern Irish members of this delegation are invited to participate fully in this delegation’s activities, particularly during these first few critical months.”